Snow ball fight with kids
We make your birthday unforgettable!
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Children's Birthday Party

Do you want to celebrate your child's birthday in Obertauern?
We already wish you all the best for your special day and would be delighted to help organize your celebration! Whether you want to be creative or stay active, we offer loads of fun in the snow. Mini Skidoo riding, airboarding, E-Fatbiking, or building an igloo - what would you like to try? Bring your friends and experience an unforgettable adventure together! Just send us a short email with your wishes, and we will take care of the details.

Children have fun in Snowland, the children's area of the CSA Skischule Silvia Grillitsch
Advanced course for children in Obertauern
Learning to ski on the carousel for beginners in the children's ski course

Activities for your child's birthday:

We put together your individual party program.

  • An adventurous torchlight hike in the dark
  • Snowman building competition
  • Snow sculpture competition
  • Sack racing
  • Obstacle course in the snow
  • Treasure hunt in the snow
  • Can throwing
  • Winter Olympics
  • Snow soccer

...the possibilities are endless!

Dancing with mascot Snowy, the snow hare
Jump over the ramp in Kinderland
Award ceremony

This is YOUR Day!

Our excellent infrastructure, high-quality materials, and the motivated team from the CSA Snow Heroes offer you everything you need. There is plenty of snow in Obertauern, and our CSA Snow Heroes love to experience fun and creative games in the snow with you and your friends. Laughing children and beaming eyes – that is our goal because these special moments will be remembered forever!

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